What We Want to Accomplish


“Delusion” is defined as the persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence.

We chose the name America Lost in Delusion because we believe the American people have been under a delusion regarding the principles of our country for over 400 years.  Delusions such as believing that everyone who comes to this country has the same opportunity or that we have certain freedoms as documented in the Constitution or that our government will help us when we need their support.

The goal of this site is NOT to tell people how they should think, what they should believe or how they should live their lives.  We want to give people a place to have a VOICE to express themselves in a truly free way.  We will not always agree with the words on this site, but we will always respect the person’s right to their expressions without prejudice or judgment.

We would like for people to read and respond with an open mind and have the respect of those willing to put themselves out there and express their opinion.  Too many times we are quick to attack that which we disagree which only causes defensive responses and closes the lines of communication.  We hope that allowing the expression of all beliefs will allow a responsive commentary that is a stepping stone to actions.

Too many times we hide issues behind a delusional wall and by the time we are angry enough to bring them to light, it is almost too late to fight.  We cannot continue to sit back and hope that politicians or the other guy will provide all the answers to providing jobs, health care reform or reducing the debt.  It is time to take our stand and let our voices be heard.

The preamble of the Constitution starts with "We the People in order to form a more perfect union".  Let us remember that WE includes the 99%, the 1%, Pro Choice, Pro Life, Gay, Straight, Catholic, or Atheists.  Let us remember that WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

Ten Cannot(ments)


Rev. William Boetcker

  1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift
  2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
  3. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men
  4. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer
  5. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich
  6. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money
  7. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred
  8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn
  9. You cannot build character and courage by destroying men’s initiative and independence.
  10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.



The choices posted on this web site are made by the America Lost in Delusion staff.  The authors or creators do not necessarily endorse this site or any other choices posted on the site.

The opinions expressed on this site and those providing comments on this site are the opinions of the creators. We welcome your opinions and should you comment, please note that providing an email address is required, however we will in no way use or abuse email addresses.  The views of the creators are their own and do not in anyway reflect the views of this site, other sites posted on this site, the staff involved with this site or any other writers on this site. 


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