Who We Are

We are American Citizens'. We were doing what we loved and had our companies close down because of bad and corrupt business practices. We helped create great jobs for people and had those jobs sent overseas when it didn’t make any sense.   We accomplished our dream of being a small business owner and ended up in bankruptcy.

We used the education system to better ourselves, yet ended up with tons of debt because no company wanted to pay for the education and expertise. We used the military to make ourselves into better people and were thrown into a war. We used the government system to help us modify our home loan and almost lost our house. We work now to survive but have no health care.

We were the 99% before the 99% became the common phrase. We were the middle class when there was a middle class. We have had cars repossessed, been kicked out of our homes and our credit reports tarnished because we had to make a choice to pay the credit card bill that month or use the money to put gas in the car to look for a job.

We come from families of alcoholics, atheists, divorce, drug users, sexual orientations, depression and watched our own families suffer through lay offs.

So WE are the American people who have accomplished the American dream who are angry, frustrated and confused with the direction this country has taken. We are the American people who are tired of standing on the sidelines. WE are YOU!


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