Something that I have never understood is how people can be so consumed with self interest that they let it take over their lives to the tune of doing something stupid or blaming the world for the issues.  Then again why should we be surprised because we are human beings and unfortunately that is part of human nature.

For four years, many in this country separated themselves because of one man.  There were very few people in between when it came to Donald Trump and in the end, I don't think he really cared either way.  The problem is that the issues of this country either got worse or even ignored, bringing about tons of blame but no accountability.

What we do not talk about is that Trump exposed our country for what it is at this moment and for that we really should thank him because now we can attack these issues, if we choose to.

The hypocrisy started before Trump was even elected, it started when he was a candidate.  The people of the political establishment do not like it when outsiders are close to taking over their power and they will do whatever they can to stop it.  Don't think it can happen, look at this years Democratic Campaign.  Bernie Sanders, a true outsider for the people, was leading the race for the party.  Suddenly, right before the primaries and caucuses, Joe Biden comes into the race.  So now it was a party guy against the non party guy, who do you think was going to win?  The difference this time was Bernie for some reason dropped out of the race early so by the time the election came around, no one really remembered he was part of the conversation.  Unlike 2016, when Bernie was still having polls about whether he could beat Trump so people still had him in their mind when voting.  This is not about conspiracy, it is about asking questions.  For those that want to see what the establishment can do watch the documentary "The Plot Against the Presidents".

The election of Donald Trump brought forth issues that have been lost as the country tried feverishly to get him out of office.  One thing his election showed is there are a lot of people who are feeling under represented when it comes to the government.  Do we really believe that 60+ million people would elect a misogynistic egomaniac if they thought anyone else was listening to them?  The other thing it exposed is the way we view each other as American's.  60+ million people that used their right to vote for someone they felt were listening to them, yet we called them nothing but ignorant, white supremacists despite the fact that minorities, women and some intelligent people voted for him.  Instead of listening to this group, we continually showed them that maybe they had a point that no one was listening, not even their fellow American's.

One of the biggest highlights of the election was the hypocrisy of the people of establishment government.  Immediately, there were calls of voting improprieties because of Russia, saying his election wasn't real.  They said because he received less popular vote that democracy was gone and we should end the electoral college.  Of course, in the 2020 election the electoral college is okay and even in the midst of calls of election issues, the winners were saying no need to investigate it.  When riots happened all the way up to the Congress voting for the electoral college in 2016, no one talked about how it was ruining democracy.  Of course, when it came to 2020, everyone blamed Trump without a word being said about 2016.

It immediately showed that Trump was never going to succeed because the people of the established government and the people of the country weren't going to allow it.  If he had done everything correct, they still would have found something to push him to failure because when people have you in their sights it is difficult to get away.  We should really be upset as American's that we assisted in this push to the failure of our President, a man whether we like it or not was voted in by our democratic system.  If we can do it to him, now we know we can do it to anyone.  Now that they have their power back in 2020, they still have to realize they have a voice to answer to because he still to ten million more votes than last time.

For four years, the people of the establishment tried and tried to bring down the President and each time they failed.  What they didn't fail at is getting more people to hate this man and dividing the country even more.  Donald Trump did himself no favors by sounding like a buffoon and making it seem like his supporters were also buffoons.  It exposed that an egomaniac cannot be trusted to represent 300 million people.  It exposed the failure of the people who were voted to represent us when they spend all of their time trying to reverse the decision of the people instead of doing their job.  That is really what we should take from the past four years because it means the parties have officially taken over our democracy and continue to only push their own agenda.  They continue to manipulate us into thinking they are doing it for us when they only care about their own power.

Something very few talk about over the past four years is what was exposed of the American people.  We found that our internal prejudice, hatred, anger and frustration continues to drive the worst of who we are and act it out on our fellow human beings.  Instead of taking accountability for it, we continue to blame and criticize others for our actions and words.  The continual division of the people further stops us from really figuring out who we are as American's.  How can we expect to have a country we all can leave in if we are always separating ourselves into groups instead of being decent human beings.

It also exposed how easily we as people can be manipulated.  It has been proven Russia manipulated us into hating Hillary during the 2016 election by posting social media that created the hate.  We continue to manipulate each other on social media and politicians have figured out they can use the same platform to manipulate us.  At the same time, the social platforms themselves are using it to manipulate us into what they want us to know.  For those that do not think it can happen, watch the documentary "The Social Dilemma".

Covid 19, no matter what one believes, is probably the greatest crisis to hit this country since the Great Depression.  What this exposed is the failure of most people in a crisis.  It showed the breakdown of so many of our systems and how fear can overtake people's reaction.  This could have been something that united us as a country but instead it divided us even more because of these weaknesses.

It exposed is how weak our leaders are when it comes to understanding that they have the lives of 300 million people plus in their hands.  Trump, a person use to putting his own interests ahead of others, will always fail when it comes to protecting others.  He could not put aside his ego and that ego won't allow him to admit failure.  

Don't think that Trump is the only one that failed on this.  Our other leaders also showed how weak they are in a crisis.  First of all, trying to immediately blame every bad decision on Donald Trump so he doesn't get reelected instead of focusing on the crisis at hand showed their true character.  It was a time where the leaders could have worked together but instead kept driving their own party agenda instead of the agenda of the people.  Elections are our opportunity to show our leaders that we will not stand for their weakness and failures, this should have been used more in this past election because all of our leaders failed us from local, state and federal level.

Shutdowns, calling people essential and non essential, continuing to blame everything on racism, allowing people to protest and riot when others are told to stay in their houses.  Instead of treating the people of this country as human beings, we treated them as five year olds that have to be told what to do, when to do it and how to do it.  Then when we pushed back they had the gall to say we should be trying to unite as a country.  These are the failures of not only our leaders but ourselves because we let our fear be more important than making sure the country did not become what it did.

Even after the election, Trump continued to expose us.  Donald Trump says there is election issues, his opponents say he is a sore loser.  No one talks about an investigation they just continue the Trump dumping to get him out of office.  No one discusses the 2016 investigation that had to be done for Russia or the investigation that had to be done in 2018 when Stacey Abrahms cried fraud.  I guess if Donald Trump was a Democratic black woman, people might have listened.

Then came January 6th, a day that surprised people when it shouldn't have.  Continually being told that they should be quiet about the election or that they need to get over that their candidate lost.  What did they think was going to happen?  As they protested, people were saying they should shut up and this caused a few idiots to say enough was enough so they attacked the capitol.  All this really did was expose Trumps opponents for what they are, vindictive, petty, selfish individuals.  Instead of preparing for another President, one they wanted, they tried one last time to get Donald Trump and while they were at it, as many of their enemies as they could.  Of course, it also gave them an incident they could use to get their agenda moving in the next administration.  See how many times this incident is used to get what they want over the next four years.

The people of the establishment didn't care that they just won, they wanted to serve notice that no outsider would ever be welcome.  How may times over the years has a politician said things about other people that incited people to do things?  I am sure we can find plenty of examples, including examples where Presidents commuted sentences of the rioters.  These types of events may not have been the same type of situation but it is still actions of politicians that these occurred.

One thing that continued to be exposed is that the riots were because voices continued to be ignored not only by the politicians but the American people.  Of course, when these riots occur it is because of white supremacy and ignorance.  When the 2020 racial riots occurred because their voice was trying to be heard, we were told we needed to listen to them and riots were an expression of their oppression.  Forgotten as well is the riots of 2016 election which also occurred to try to overturn an election were because we elected Donald Trump and needed to listen.

Figuring they could use the momentum, the riots also allowed the establishment to go after their perceived enemies.  If any Republican said anything about the election, they were going after them because they were part of the incitement.  It didn't matter that over the years, people such as Nancy Pelosi or the darling of the House, AOC have said some pretty rotten things about their counterparts as well as the people of this country.  They don't seem to be accountable for saying some of the things they say, including accusing fellow Congressman of 'attempted murder'.  I guess because there is no visual incitement of it so it is okay.

Say what you want about Donald Trump and you can say a lot about him.  What I want to say is thank you for doing what very few people have done before or will probably do after.  That is exposing the people of the establishment government for who they really are and their lack of character.  Also exposing the people of this country for their hypocrisy and some of the idiotic actions that we continue to blame on others for.

So thank you Donald Trump for showing us the way, now we need to use it to fix the problems.

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